When CMaster goes to fetch a resource, it almost always set the CMaster Prefs file as the current resource file (using UseResFile()). It does this to let you override its resources to allow users to further customize the environment. Below, we enumerate all the different resources that you can add to your "CMaster Prefs" file. You should also make a copy of the standard CMaster Prefs from the CMaster diskette in case you ever need to test with the "factory" preference settings. Also, if you upgraded from CMaster 1.0 to 2.0, then you won't get the 'TMPL` resources now in the default prefs file—use a resource editor to copy all TMPL resources from the default prefs file to your prefs file (you should do this only after CMaster has converted your Version 1 prefs file into a version 2 file, which it does when during the first launch.)
To add or change a resource: first, close any open projects, or quit THINK Project Manager (since CMaster keeps the resource fork of the CMaster Prefs file open in a read/write mode while active, you can't add, delete, or modify resources using a resource editor.) Second, open the "CMaster Prefs" file (the file already has a resource fork.) If you plan to modify a CMaster resource, then also open the CMaster file and copy resources from that file into the CMaster Prefs file, then close the CMaster file. If you are worried that you might inadvertently change a CMaster resource, lock the CMaster file prior to opening it (CMaster never modifies its own resource fork when running, and the file opens read-only when active, so the only time you need it unlocked is when updating it using UpdateUser.) After modifying resources in the CMaster Prefs file, close it and open a project so that you can test out your modifications.
The list below contains most resources that we think you might want to modify, but you probably could modify others as well (although we don't know why you might want to do this.) Generally, resources you add fall in the 15000-19999 range, and resources you copy then modify fall in the 10000-14999 range. CMaster uses the 20000 and up range for Externals - you should not directly modify these resources
'WIND` 15000 - this resource works in conjunction with the Preference Modifiers menu found under the C and CMaster menus. If set, this option lets you force all non-".h" files to open in the spot defined by this resource. Use Resorcerer or ResEdit to create and size this resource.
'WIND` 15001 - this resource works in conjunction with the Preference Modifiers menu found under the C and CMaster menus. If set, this option lets you force all ".h" files to open in the spot defined by this resource. Use Resorcerer or ResEdit to create and size this resource. If a WIND 15000 resource exists, and this one does not, ALL files open to the WIND 15000 resource.
'snd ` 10000 - SoftBeep. CMaster defaults to the standard SysBeep call for this sound.
'snd ` 10001 - HardBeep. CMaster uses a spring expanding sound (Boing). To default to the SysBeep routine, add a resource of this type, but with zero length (a NULL sound).
'snd ` 10002 - DoneBeep. CMaster uses a cymbal sound (bing). To default to the SysBeep routine, add a resource of this type, but with zero length (a NULL sound).
'TEXT` 10300 - The header which CMaster first runs through its Glossary processor, then uses to call your Apple Scripts. Almost for sure you will need to customize this if you use the CMaster AppleScript interface.
'FUNC` resources really should be called 'SHORT` resources—the names is historical. Each of these resources contains a two-byte short integer value that CMaster reads at launch time. A TMPL resource lets you view these nicely in a resource editor.
'FUNC` 10000 - the maximum number of items that can show in the Marker menu. This value exists since CMaster preallocates memory for the menu, then builds it. The larger this value, the greater the probability that the allocation will fail (although you probably could have 1000 instead of the 256 default without any problems.)
'FUNC` 10001 - the maximum number of files in the "Files" menu. Again, this probably could be larger without any problem.) The default is 256.
'FUNC` 10002 - the horizontal tiling offset used when you choose the THINK "Clean Up" menu item under the WIndows menu, and you have CMaster setup to do Zooming to a fixed Char Width/ Line Height. The default is 8.
'FUNC` 10003 - the vertical tiling offset used when you choose the THINK "Clean Up" menu item under the WIndows menu, and you have CMaster setup to do Zooming to a fixed Char Width/ Line Height. The default is 16.
'FUNC` 10004 - when opening ".cp" or ".cpp" files, you can option CMaster to show the first n characters of the function argument types. This value sets an upper limit on the number of characters per type. The default is 8.
'FUNC` 10005 - Font size used in the Compile and Link Error windows, and the Batch Search Window. If you have trouble seeing the THINK 9 pt default, set this value to 12 (you probably can set it larger as well.)
'RSRC` 10000 - OSTypes that the Alias 'vers' and Alias 'resource file' use as filters during the Standard GetFile dialog. Since some of you use files with other types, you can add as many items to this list as you want.
'SICN` 10000/10001 - The icons used in the Icon bar. The 10000 icons are the standard icons, the 10001 icons are the set version. You can substitute or modify as desired, just make sure that the number of icons stays the same—there are 20 icons there.
'SICN` 10002 - Used when you select the Icon view, Menu Bar in the Menu Bar Preferences. CMaster uses the complete width, and the top 15 pixels. You can substitute or modify as desired, just make sure that the number of icons stays the same—there are 7 icons there.
'SICN` 10003 - Used when you select the Icon view, Scroll Bar, in the Menu Bar Preferences. CMaster uses the complete width, and the top 14 pixels. You can substitute or modify as desired, just make sure that the number of icons stays the same—there are 7 icons there.
'STR#` 10300 - Strings and characters used in the window title bar. Some international systems don't show option-8 (•), so you can add whatever char you want here. String 1 can be a string no larger than 8 characters which CMaster prepends to the Window Title to show a "dirty" indication (if you set that option in the WIndow Look Preferences.) String 2 is the string that CMaster prepends to the Window Title showing a cloverleaf-number (if you select that option in the WIndow Look Preferences.) String 3 is a single character that CMaster uses as the "Current Function" mark in the Marker Menu. String 4 is a single character CMaster uses to mark THINK Markers in the CMaster Marker menu (accurate state.) String 5 is a single character CMaster uses to mark THINK Markers in the CMaster Marker menu when the value is approximate.
'STR#` 1030X - Files option directives, where 'X` is the current version (THINK 5, 6, or 7). Each string corresponds to an action CMaster takes based on the current modifiers. The order corresponds to the ordering of Table 2 in the CMaster Manual (none, option, command, control, shift, shift|option, shift|command, option|command, option|control, and option|shift|command.) You cannot change the first string, which CMaster always uses to callback into THINK for its Files menu (like option select on the menu title). The characters enclosed in angle-brackets (<>) get expanded thus: <p> == Proj Folder, <t> == THINK C Folder, <u> == User Defined, caps -> recursive search. The <u> is a placeholder, in that it doesn't expand into anything—its just a flag. Thus, your entry might look like "<u>HardDisk:oDevelopment:Src": however, the capitalization of 'u` is handled just like the p and t options (recurse or not.) Note that Symantec Version 6, when upgraded to Version 7, has the same folder hierarchy as Version 6—thus, you must use the 10306 string from CMaster, copy it to your prefs file, then change its number to 10307.
'curs` 10002 - Used by CMaster when the window colors (text and background) have been set. CMaster does this as the standard I-beam cursor inverts colors, which makes it very difficult to see. This cursor puts a band of white around the beam, making it much easier to spot as it moves over a color background.
'crsr` 10000 - You can provide a color cursor for CMaster to use as the I-beam cursor. Create one and add it to your preference file.